Stereoscopic Method For Highlighting The Variation Of Colors
The Stereoscopic Method For Highlighting The Variation Of Colors algorithm highlights, identifies and interprets the variation of any unknown color across an object as it wraps around a curve a user is deficient as seen through the real world in hi-res photos from a spectrum of known colors using any binocular color combination in one eye or both eyes.
The colors of objects can differ in the two eyes because of slightly different positions of the light source relative to the eyes. A color might be seen slightly different in either eye.
Two different colors, one presented to one eye and the other presented to the other eye, often create the impression of a third color. That color is the unknown color in photos you want to identify using this algorithm.
This algorithm should identify and interpret an unknown color that can’t be seen correctly.
• The algorithm can test from picturesque data for visual acuity, color deficiency, contrast sensitivity, nearsightedness, and farsightedness, blurry vision caused from digital eye strain.
• The algorithm can be used to highlight and identify and interpret any unknown color from known colors for a range of colors from almost any picturesque scene.
The algorithm uses the following technologies:
• Stereoscopy - is a technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by means of stereopsis for any binocular color combination in one eye or both eyes.
• Ocular dominance - Sometimes called eye preference or dominant eye, is when you use one eye more than the other, have better vision in one eye, or can fixate on something better with one eye.
• Color Theory - is a body of practical guidance to color mixing and the visual effects of a specific color combination.
• Gamma correction - is a nonlinear operation used to encode and decode luminance in still images.
• Thresholding - is a type of image segmentation to simplify and/or change the pixels of an image to make the image easier to analyze.
• Binocular color combination - is the comnination of two independant colors which mixes them to produce, highlight, or identify the variation of a third color and present that color, independently, one to each eye.
-- Our Computer Scientists have combined these technologies for the benefit to give humans better vision options. --
How to highlight and identify an unknown color from known colors and identify your dominate eye: |
1 • Take a color picture of an item, area, or scene you believe you question what color you are seeing or what color it is. This is the color you want to highlight, identify, and interpret. |
2 • Load the website that contains the Stereoscopic Method For Highlighting The Variation Of Colors algorithm. |
3 • Choose photo width. |
4 • Choose a known color from our spectrum of known colors that closely resembles your unknown color, Or ... |
Find a color from the color charts given or use our color table.
5 • Choose Gamma, Threshold, or modify the Binocular color ratio. |
5 • Upload a photo that contains the target color you want to identify, highlight, identify and interpret. |
6 • Choose the eye you believe is your dominate eye. |
7 • Pick an object from your photo that contains the target color to fixate on. |
8 • Close one eye at a time. |
Result: The open eye that sees your target color that matches the chart color from the stereoscopic dominant eye color algorithm is your dominant eye. |